SE 13th Avenue and Lexington Street in Downtown Sellwood

Yes, that's Oreo! It always seems to sell out quickly. Come by and claim your scoop! Dairy and non dairy are in the freezer now!#oreo #oreoicecream #sellwood #sellwoodicecream #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #pdxfood #pdxeats #nondairy #notsaltandstraw #veganicecream #vegitarianicecream #nondairyicecream

Yes, that's Oreo!  It always seems to sell out quickly. Come by and claim your scoop! Dairy and non dairy are in the freezer now!#oreo  #oreoicecream #sellwood #sellwoodicecream #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #pdxfood #pdxeats #nondairy #notsaltandstraw #veganicecream #vegitarianicecream #nondairyicecream
