Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream has returned! Yummy, delicious rich, silky smooth chocolate ice cream with real chunks of peanut butter! #hurrybackicecream #icecream #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #chocolatepeanutbuttericecream #peanutbutter #pdxdesert #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts admin April 9, 2017 Hurry Back!
Warm apple pie with caramel sauce. Ann-Marie is a genius at preparation and presentation. AND she back for the week! Stop by, say hi, have her make a warm apple pie for you! #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwoodfoodcarts #applepie #pdxdesert #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts #pdxfoodcartspot admin March 28, 2017 Hurry Back!
Apricot ice cream! Subtlety sweet fruity flavor, perfect for spring! #hurrybackicecream #pdxdesert #pdxfood #pdxicecream #apricot #april #apricoticecream #fruiticecream admin March 25, 2017 Hurry Back!
Our buddies Ben and Arthur dropped by to enjoy a Thursday afternoon float. Ben had Orange Blossom Ice Cream with Henry Weinhard's Orange Cream soda. Arthur is enjoying Apricot Ice Cream in Weinhard's Cherry Cream soda. #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #pdxdesert #pdxicecream #pdxicecreamclub #henryweinhard #rootbeerfloat #pdxfoodcarts admin March 24, 2017 Hurry Back!
Butterscotch ice cream on a waffle, plain and ala Sellwood (whip cream with sprinkles) Yum! #hurrybackicecream #icecream #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwoodicecream #butterscotchicecream #yummy #yum #yummyicecream #pdxdesert #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts #pdxfoodcartspot admin March 19, 2017 Hurry Back!
Orange blossom ice cream ala Sellwood (whip cream and sprinkles) and plain in a waffle cone. Classic delicious orange flavor! #hurrybackicecream #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #icecream #orangeicecream #yummy #yum #pdxdesert #pdxfood #pdxicecream #pdxicecreamclub #sellwoodicecream #orangeblossomicecream #orangeblossom admin March 12, 2017 Hurry Back!
Deliciously smooth chocolate ice cream with big pieces of peanut butter. Our chocolate peanut butter ice cream is amazing! #hurrybackicecream #chocolatepeanutbuttericecream #icecream #yummy #yum #peanutbutter #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcart #pdxdesert #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts admin March 12, 2017 Hurry Back!
Maple ice cream with Foster's sauce. Oh boy this combo is AMAZING! #hurrybackicecream #portlandicecream #sellwoodicecream #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #maple #mapleicecream #icecream #yummy #yum admin March 6, 2017 Hurry Back!
Oreo Ice cream, a classic flavor! #hurrybackicecream #sellwoodicecream #sellwoodfoodcarts #oreoicecream #yum #sellwoodfoodcart #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts admin March 6, 2017 Hurry Back!
If you look closely, you'll see some pink in the sunset. It's been so long since I've seen a sunset, I had to take a picture! admin March 1, 2017 Hurry Back!