Cinnamon is back for the holidays! Thanks to our friends at @savoryspiceshop around the corner on 13th who always have fresh spices. It's mild and flavorful and a great ala mode with that holiday pie or just by itself some rainy evening. #sellwoodicecream #sellwoodfoodcart #pdxfood #pdxfoodie #pdxfood #ilikeit #pdxfoodcart #pdxholiday #pdxholidays #pdxspecial #pdxdeserts #pdxdesert admin December 4, 2015 Hurry Back!
New neon! Just installed and it works like a champ! Stop by to enjoy the glow that only neon can provide! #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwood #portlandfoodies #pdxfood #pdxneon #pdxicecream #sellwoodicecream #ilikeit #nondairy #pdxvegan #pdxvegans admin November 30, 2015 Hurry Back!
Pistachio. It's a little different definition of going green. Creamy Ice Cream with crunchy nuts. Take home a pint or quart today! Drop an E-mail to yum@hurrybackicecream to have your order ready to go when you arrive. #portlandfoodies #pdxgoodeats #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwood #ilikeit #icecream #icecreampdx admin November 25, 2015 Hurry Back!
Maple and BACON together in ice cream. What more can I say? Five ounces of the W.H.O. warning that is frozen and delicious. #ilikeit #bacon #baconicecream #whocares #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwood #pdxgoodeats #pdxfood #pdxfoodcarts #notvegan admin November 13, 2015 Hurry Back!
Floats at Hurry Back Ice Cream! Combine Portland's own root beer with Sellwood's ice cream spot for the best floats around! #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwood #pdxgoodeats #pdxfood #pdxicecream #pdxfoodie #pdxfoodcarts admin November 10, 2015 Hurry Back!
Warm pie ala mode. Your choice of apple, cherry, blueberry or pecan pie topped off with any Hurry Back Ice Cream flavor. Spork included with every purchase! #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwood #pdxfood #pdxgoodeats #pdxfoodcarts #pdxicecream #ilikeit #gimmemore #pdxfoodie #sporklife admin November 5, 2015 Hurry Back!
Grasshopper (Ice Cream) Pie. Ice cream pies available in any Hurry Back Ice Cream flavor, dairy or non-dairy. Pre-order for holiday gatherings. Only $12. or stop by and see us at 13th and Lexington. #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcart #sellwoodfoodcarts #pdxfood #portlandfood #portlandfoodies #pdxvegans #pdxvegan #nondairy #pdxholidays #pdxholiday #pdxgoodeats #pdxgood #pdxfood admin November 3, 2015 Hurry Back!
Cardamom Chocolate Chip ice cream. Brand new today–ready for anyone who can brave a little rain. #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcarts #pdxeats #pdxfood #pdxfoodcart #myneighborhood admin October 26, 2015 Hurry Back!
Celebrating a first hair cut (and cool sun glasses) with an Oreo scoop! #sellwoodfoodcarts #sellwood #foodcart #portland #pdxfood #foodcartpdx #coolsunglasses admin October 25, 2015 Hurry Back!
Finally got all of the lights on and working!!! We are now the beacon in the night showing the way to that one particular harbor–so far and yet so near… #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcarts #pdxvegan #vegan #pdxfoodie #foodcartpdx #wheretoeatpdx #sellwoodneighborhood admin October 21, 2015 Hurry Back!