SE 13th Avenue and Lexington Street in Downtown Sellwood

Birthday Cake ice cream is here for a short time to celebrate our 2nd anniversary! Come celebrate with us! Thanks for all the support! #hurrybackicecream #birthdaycake #birthdaycakeicecream #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcart #2ndanniversary #pdxeats #pdxicecream #pdxicecreamclub #whattoeatinpdx

Birthday Cake ice cream is here for a short time to celebrate our 2nd anniversary! Come celebrate with us! Thanks for all the support! #hurrybackicecream #birthdaycake #birthdaycakeicecream #sellwood #sellwoodfoodcart #2ndanniversary #pdxeats #pdxicecream #pdxicecreamclub #whattoeatinpdx
